4126 Udall St #2
San Diego, California 92107


Inquire about this property    

Listing Agent: Merchant Property Management
Telephone: 619-200-1522
Email: mpmads@yahoo.com

Property Type: Residential - Apartment
Attached/Detached:  Attached Home
Floors:  Multilevel (2 floors)
Year Built:


Upper 1 Bedroom 1.5 Bath unit available - Assigned Parking Space - Dining room area - Breakfast Bar - Lots of storage in  bedroom - Laundry room on-site - Beautifully lush landscaped courtyard - Mins to Beaches, Shopping & Freeway access (I-5 & I-8) - water , trash & Landscaping paid -

Credit Check Fees $ 20
per each adult 18+

Units are available NOW for immediate occupancy (we do not hold units for future move-in dates - If you are looking for a rental in the future, please check back closer to the time you wish to move for our current availability)


Dogs Allowed: No
Cats Allowed: No




  • • Refrigerator
  • • Electric Range
  • • Eat-In Kitchen
  • • Washer Dryer

  • • Landscape Service Included

The information at this site is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer to sell, rent, or advertise real estate outside the state in which the owner of the site is licensed. The owner is not making any warranties or representations concerning any of these properties including their availability. Information at this site is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.


contact us

Merchant Property Management

3773 30th Street

Suite B

San Diego, California 92104

Telephone: 619-299-4024

Email: mpmadv@cox.net

Cal BRE #01187064